提琴雙傑2CELLOS-豪瑟 (所有作品)
網路價 NT$ : 529

 累積全球超過10億串流量+40億影音瀏覽量的提琴雙傑之豪瑟,給你這一季最深情的耶誕祝福。
 偕同管弦樂隊和唱詩班全新編排14首世上最受歡迎的耶誕名曲,展示出無與倫比的大提琴藝術,同時捕捉佳節的親密溫暖和愉悅氛圍。
 蒐集〈Silent Night〉、〈The First Noël〉、〈The Little Drummer Boy〉、〈O Holy Night〉、〈White Christmas〉、〈Amazing Grace〉等不朽傳世經典。

讓今年的耶誕節過得不一樣吧!每年到了年底,慶祝耶誕的歌聲在大街小巷響起,提琴雙傑之豪瑟(Stjepan Hauser)提供溫馨又暖意的提琴拉奏,將耳熟能詳的經典耶誕歌曲傳遞你心中,訴說對親人、愛人的惦記,再次展現流暢無礙的技巧,以及最自然流露的情感,發揮豪瑟獨奏時的最大魅力。豪瑟於2020年首次單飛亮相,陸續發行《Classic》、《Plays Morricone》和《The Player》三張專輯,累積全球超過10億串流量+40億影音瀏覽量!帥氣的豪瑟被時人雜誌評為「2022年最性感男人」之一,並受到滾石雜誌、富比士和紐約時報爭相大篇幅報導!

身為「2CELLOS提琴雙傑」的一半成員,經歷令人難以置信的10年音樂歷程,豪瑟替獨奏藝術家和視覺概念創造者,開創一個精采結合的新時代,利用創新技巧和超凡氣質,為世界各地歌迷帶來大提琴演奏新浪潮。來自克羅埃西亞小鎮的豪瑟,透過與觀眾互動而迅速走紅,榮登全球40多國舞台,包括:紐約無線電城音樂廳(Radio City Music Hall)、倫敦皇家亞伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)等歷史悠久場館進行演出,還與安德烈‧波伽利(Andrea Bocelli)、嗆紅辣椒(Red Hot Chili Peppers)和艾爾頓‧強(Elton John)等巨星/天團共享舞台。除此之外,陸續站台威尼斯影展開幕之夜、在梵蒂岡為教皇表演,以及擔任國家美式足球聯盟、歐足冠軍聯賽特別演出!

豪瑟推出首張耶誕專輯《Christmas》,偕同管弦樂隊和唱詩班全新編排14首世上最受歡迎的耶誕名曲,展示出豪瑟無與倫比的大提琴藝術,同時捕捉佳節的親密溫暖和愉悅氛圍,喚起過去和現在假期中的浪漫情節以及許多團聚樂趣。豪瑟說道:「記得聖誕節的音樂,是小時候一年中感到最神奇的部分,也是家人每年必播放的傳統。從母親在當地教會領導唱詩班,到親人每年在家演唱頌歌,《Christmas》專輯企圖營造家的溫馨感之外,更希望聽起像古典傑作,同時注入浪漫的好萊塢風情。另外,樂迷可以將提琴之聲當背景音樂播放,即使沒有集中注意力欣賞,卻也非常適合在打開禮物、準備晚餐、裝飾聖誕樹的時候聆賞。」精選的14首金曲,蒐集〈Silent Night〉、〈The First Noël〉、〈The Little Drummer Boy〉、〈O Holy Night〉等深受世界各地樂迷喜愛的八首季節性頌歌。另一方面豪瑟受到Frank Sinatra、Dean Martin、Bing Crosby和Elvis Presley等傳奇長久以來的熱愛與啟發,取材自他們曾翻唱或原唱的偉大美國金曲寶典中〈White Christmas〉、〈The Christmas Song〉、〈Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas〉和〈I’ll Be Home For Christmas〉等四首耶誕經典,還有兩首給予滿滿靈感的〈Amazing Grace〉、莫扎特最優美的聖樂詠嘆調〈Laudate Dominum〉,這一季的過節溫馨就交給豪瑟吧!

1.The First Noël
2.White Christmas
3.Carol of the Bells
4.O Little Town Of Bethlehem
5.O Holy Night
6.Silent Night
7.Angels We Have Heard On High
8.The Christmas Song
9.I'll Be Home For Christmas
10.Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
11.The Little Drummer Boy
12.Adeste Fideles
13.Laudate Dominum
14.Amazing Grace


CD 1

1. Whatever Comes - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
2. Aloy's Theme - Forbidden West - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
3. In the Flood - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Ariana Gillis
4. The World on Her Shoulders - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
5. All Fall Down - The Flight
6. Echo of You - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Melissa R. Kaplan
7. Unity - The Flight
8. Mother of All - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
9. Shelter from the Storm - Joris de Man
10. Built to Kill - Oleksa Lozowchuk
11. Rusted Sands - Oleksa Lozowchuk
12. Guardian of the Deep - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven
13. No Footfalls to Follow - Oleksa Lozowchuk
14. Look Deeper - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
15. Trinity - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
16. As Certain as Stone - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
17. These Stones Unturned - Joris de Man
18. The Wings of the Ten - The Flight feat. Julie Elven
19. Second Chance - The Flight
20. This Place, This Moment - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
21. Resilience to Rise - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
22. In the Flood - Lovisa Bergdahl

CD 2

1. A Promise to Uphold - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
2. Restless as the Weald - Joris de Man
3. The Trail We Leave Behind - Oleksa Lozowchuk
4. Edge of the Sundom - Niels van der Leest
5. A Steady Breath - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
6. Adrift - Joris de Man
7. Off the Trail - Joris de Man
8. Restricted Access - The Flight
9. Time Twisted Around Metal - The Flight
10. Wither and Ache - Niels van der Leest
11. The Chorus - Oleksa Lozowchuk
12. Solace Beneath the Stars - Oleksa Lozowchuk
13. A Scattered Reflection - The Flight
14. Machine Made - The Flight
15. Figments of Time - Joris de Man
16. Riddles in Ruins - The Flight
17. Steel Bones - Niels van der Leest
18. Marvels Below - Oleksa Lozowchuk
19. By Choice, by Fate - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven

CD 3

1. The Strength to Make a Stand - Oleksa Lozowchuk, Joris de Man, The Flight feat. Julie Elven, Melissa R. Kaplan
2. Her World, Her Legacy - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
3. Always Left Alone - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven
4. Reclaimed by the Wilds - The Flight
5. The Long Road Back - Joris de Man
6. Savior of Meridian - Joris de Man
7. A Signal in the West - The Flight
8. Alone Again - Joris de Man
9. Valley's Descent - Oleksa Lozowchuk
10. Clear the Way - Joris de Man
11. Spark and Flame - Joris de Man
12. A Wager Over Barrels - Niels van der Leest
13. Forged for the Fight - Joris de Man
14. By the Cold Light of Stars - Joris de Man
15. The Way to Barren Light - Joris de Man
16. In All Its Splendor - Joris de Man
17. Lost in the Keg - Oleksa Lozowchuk
18. Commander's Orders - Oleksa Lozowchuk
19. Storming the Gates - Oleksa Lozowchuk
20. Born in Blood - The Flight
21. Bloodied and Broken - The Flight
22. The Embers in Our Wake - Oleksa Lozowchuk
23. Alone Before the World - Joris de Man
24. Dawn Eases Night - Joris de Man
25. The Sky Remade - The Flight
26. Shattered Metal - The Flight
27. Solitude's Shore - The Flight

CD 4

1. As Verdant Limbs Wither - Oleksa Lozowchuk
2. Gravesinger - Oleksa Lozowchuk
3. Silhouettes - Oleksa Lozowchuk
4. As Before, We Are - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. musica intima
5. Echoes of Plenty - Niels van der Leest
6. Infinite Cycle - The Flight
7. Sacred Decay - The Flight
8. Glyphs of Light - Oleksa Lozowchuk
9. The Corner of Your Eye - Joris de Man
10. Defenders of the Sky - Niels van der Leest
11. Blood Shed on Stone - Joris de Man
12. Pride's Fall - The Flight
13. Strike from the Sky - The Flight
14. All Will Be Run Red - The Flight
15. Delver's Dream - Oleksa Lozowchuk
16. Showtime - Oleksa Lozowchuk
17. Night Life - Oleksa Lozowchuk
18. The Diviner - Oleksa Lozowchuk
19. The Eye That Reveals - Oleksa Lozowchuk
20. Every Secret, a Maze - Oleksa Lozowchuk
21. The Time of Ashes - Oleksa Lozowchuk
22. Ancestor Reborn - Oleksa Lozowchuk
23. Mutually Assured Destruction - The Flight
24. Eternal Conceit - The Flight

CD 5

1. A Whispered Plea - The Flight
2. 237 - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Melissa R. Kaplan
3. Where the Wanderer Goes - Oleksa Lozowchuk
4. The Crossing - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Ariana Gillis
5. Legacy's Landfall - Niels van der Leest
6. Pride of the Expedition - Joris de Man
7. Entombed - Joris de Man
8. Scraped from Salt and Rust - The Flight
9. A Quiet Strength - The Flight
10. Look Deeper - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan
11. Gemini - Oleksa Lozowchuk feat. Ariana Gillis
12. Contingency 13-F - The Flight
13. All That Remains - Oleksa Lozowchuk
14. Reunion - Joris de Man
15. What Looms Ahead - The Flight
16. Singular Purpose - The Flight
17. Point of No Return - The Flight
18. Unshackled - Joris de Man
19. Regalla Reigns - The Flight
20. Breached - Joris de Man
21. This Place, This Moment - Joris de Man feat. Julie Elven

CD 6

1. Storm on the Rise - Joris de Man
2. Shoulders of Giants - Oleksa Lozowchuk
3. Rust and Risk - The Flight
4. Coiled Strike - Oleksa Lozowchuk
5. Rifts and Ruptures - Oleksa Lozowchuk
6. In the Dust, to the Death - The Flight
7. Hollowed Out - The Flight
8. Drowned and Gone - Oleksa Lozowchuk
9. Search and Destroy - Oleksa Lozowchuk
10. Rumors in the West - The Flight
11. Sudden Surge - The Flight
12. Ride the Edge - Niels van der Leest
13. Rebel's Rage - The Flight
14. Blade on Blade - Joris de Man
15. Where None Should Tread - Oleksa Lozowchuk
16. Primal Steel - Oleksa Lozowchuk
17. Sharpened Instinct - The Flight
18. Imperator - The Flight
19. Show Her Our Teeth - Niels van der Leest
20. No Delve Without Danger - The Flight
21. Far From Rest - Joris de Man
22. Steel the Mind - Oleksa Lozowchuk
23. The Pride of the Arena - Niels van der Leest
24. Rise Above Ruin - The Flight