How to Get an Emotional Support Animal in Saskatchewan, Canada

By: Kathryn Anderson Updated: January 22, 2025

aerial view of the downtown area of saskatchewan, canada

The “Land of Living Skies” is stunning. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t people struggling with mental health issues. The long, cold winters can put anyone in the dumps.

Luckily, getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan can help you get through the winter. These animals can give their owners love and make them feel less alone. No one can ask for a better companion!


Getting an Emotional Support Animal in Saskatchewan, Canada

Getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan is a great idea for people with a mental health condition or an emotional disability. These loving animals can brighten anyone’s day in a matter of seconds. They’re obviously an important support system for their owners.

Luckily, Canadian law sees how important they are!

Definition of an Assistance Animal According to Canadian Law

An assistance animal is one that, in some way, makes their owner’s life easier. There any many kinds of assistance animals with many different tasks.

First, there are service animals. They help a disabled person perform important tasks in their day-to-day life. A great example of a service animal is a service dog guiding someone with a visual impairment across the street.

Then, there are also psychiatric service animals. Their owners have a psychiatric disability and need help every day. Psychiatric service animals have very important tasks. One of them is reminding their owner to take their prescription medication on time or warning them of an oncoming panic attack.

Emotional support animals are also considered assistance animals in certain (but not all) provinces in Canada. They shower their owners with love and keep them company every day. For someone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for example, this is a really important task.

Finally, you may have heard of therapy animals before. They’re the dogs and horses that visit patients at hospitals or nursing homes. While a therapy dog’s presence is very soothing, they’re not considered assistance animals.

What Is an ESA Letter and Why You Need One in Canada!

As you can see, an ESA is not the same as a pet. In fact, ESAs have certain rights that pets don’t. So, how can a landlord or judge tell a pet from an ESA? That’s easy: through an emotional support animal letter!

This letter is what gives an ESA their rights. Without one, your furry companion can’t fly with you free of charge. Nor can you live with them in a no-pets-allowed unit.

See how important an ESA letter is? Make sure to get yours if you’re thinking of getting an emotional support animal. Only a qualified mental health professional who can practice in your province can issue one. (Beware of fake ESA letters!).

Travel Laws: The Canadian Transportation Agency

One of the main privileges of getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan is being allowed to travel with them. No matter the transportation company you are traveling with inside Canada, they have the duty to accommodate you and your pooch! They also can’t charge you a pet fee for this.

The Canadian Transportation Agency grants you this right — but only if you have a valid ESA letter and adhere to their rules and regulations.

The Aircraft Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Code

Want to travel by plane with your emotional support animal? Now you can! And you have the Aircraft Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Code to thank. Leave the travel anxiety at home!

However, there are restrictions to this. In order to not be surprised at your flight gate, check with your airline what their ESA policy is. Better safe than sorry, we always say. Besides, it’s the responsibility of every ESA owner to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of traveling with animals.

Navigating Canada’s Provincial ESA Laws

ESA laws differ from province to province.

If you’re getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan, make sure to read up on your local laws.

Employment Laws

There is no law saying an ESA has to be allowed in any workplace in Canada.

But, if you show your boss or manager your ESA letter, they might make an exception for you. After all, their presence soothes you and makes you more productive!

Housing Laws

There is no federal law governing the accommodation of people with disabilities in Canada. The closest thing to consider is the Human Rights Code, which addresses discrimination against individuals with physical or mental disabilities. It states that: “A person must not deny to a person with a disability residential premises advertised or otherwise represented as available for occupancy by a tenant.”

Keep in mind, however, that some landlords simply might not allow an ESA. Make sure that yours is sympathetic before trying to bring an ESA home. Otherwise, look for accommodation where pets are allowed.

ESA Campus Housing

Students living in campus housing and getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan are also covered by the Human Rights Code. Simply show your housing provider your ESA letter and inform them of your rights under this law.

This part of the law is still a bit of a gray area, though, so be sure to call your school and ask them whether they have an ESA procedure in place!

Exceptions to Rules

With rights and freedoms come responsibilities. There are some situations in which your privileges as an ESA owner could be revoked:

  • Not complying with airline regulations.
  • Having an ESA who is a danger to others.
  • Not providing your ESA the basic care or medical care they need.

Punishment for Misrepresenting an Assistance Animal in Canada

Unfortunately, some people abuse the law and try to pass off their pets as ESAs or other assistance animals. This includes flat-out lying to landlords, faking an ESA letter, and dressing your pet in a dog vest that says “service animal.”

In several provinces, this is a crime. In fact, in Saskatchewan misrepresenting an assistance animal carries a fine of up to $1,400!

5 Important Facts You Need to Know Before Receiving Your ESA

Have you made the decision of getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan? Then you need to know these 5 things:

  1. Anyone diagnosed with an emotional disability or mental illness (such as anxiety) can become an ESA owner.
  2. People with disabilities and mental disorders are entitled to special treatment in the province under the Human Rights Code.
  3. An ESA does not have to go through any formal training.
  4. There is no such thing as a service dog registration for ESAs in Canada. It’s a scam!
  5. Each airline has different ESA and pet policies. Check your airline’s regulations before hopping on the plane with your companion.

Where to Start Your Search for Your Ideal ESA!

Finding an ESA is easy. They can be a dog, cat, or even a rabbit. The only requirement they must fulfill is having a strong emotional connection with you.

This means that if you already own a pet, they can become your ESA. If you don’t, head down to an animal shelter and adopt a cute, furry friend! It’s a budget-friendly way of getting a life companion. Plus, you’ll be giving an animal in need a second chance at a loving home.

Where to Take Your Emotional Support Animal in Saskatchewan

Now that you have your ESA with you, it’s time to go for a walk! Why not enjoy a beautiful day out with your ESA in one of these places?

Dog Parks and Dog Runs

  • Meewasin Valley Trail, Saskatoon
  • Cranberry Flats Conservation Area, Saskatoon
  • Floral Acres, Saskatoon

Dog-Friendly Restaurants and Bars

  • Shannon’s Pub & Grill, Regina
  • Prairie Sun Brewery, Saskatoon
  • Orange Izakaya Fusion Cafe & Bar, Regina

Resorts, Fitness, and Spas

  • Sandman Hotel, Saskatoon
  • Wingate, Regina


Attending pet-friendly events is a great way of making friends if you’re new in town. A quick Facebook or Google search will show you a number of events near you year-round.

Take your ESA with you and have fun! The both of you will have a great time meeting new people (and animals!).

ESAs in Saskatchewan, Canada: How to Get Connected Today!

Are you interested in getting an emotional support animal in Saskatchewan, Canada? To get started, take our free 5-minute pre-screening test. We’ll put you in touch with a qualified mental health professional who can practice in your province. They’ll book an appointment with you, and if you qualify, they’ll issue you an emotional support animal letter!

We are invoking the Human Rights Code when we issue these letters. The Human Rights Code provides the broadest protections to service animal users, as it extends the right to be free from discrimination, harassment, and reprisal in all of the social areas covered by the Code, including services, goods and facilities, accommodation, contracts, employment, and vocational associations. We are also fully aware and understand that an ESA does not have to be honored and can be denied. We make sure to let our clients know this. There is no legal obligation for the other party to approve an ESA request, but they may be motivated to do so on compassionate grounds. Animals that have little training, are poorly behaved or have damaged property will be rejected.

A new ruling on emotional support animals has been published by the Canadian Transportation Agency as of June 23, 2023 and will go into effect immediately.
Dogs will be the only animals accepted as ESAs, and only dogs that can fit in carriers are allowed in the cabin. The animal carrier must meet the carrier’s conditions and restrictions for carriage of animal carriers in the cabin (please see each carrier’s stipulations for sizing of carriers), and the ESD must remain in the carrier for the duration of its time in the passenger cabin.
This law does not affect ESAs for housing.

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Kathryn Anderson
CertaPet's Senior Marketing Associate/pet care advocate who works to develop new content for purrfect pet owners everywhere. Also a lover of coffee, corgis, and corny cat puns.

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