Can Goldendoodles Be Service Dogs?

By: Kathryn Anderson Updated: January 14, 2025

goldendoodle service dog

Two breeds have infamously topped the most popular breed list in America for years; the Golden Retrievers and the Poodle, so it’s no surprise that eventually the two were crossbred to create the popular Goldendoodle.

Goldendoodles are quickly becoming one of the most popular breeds of dogs. They are an excellent family dog thanks to their excellent temperaments. They love their family wholeheartedly thanks to the Golden Retriever friendliness and Poodle loyalty. They get along with family members of any age, and tend to be easier on allergies than other dogs, which is great for that allergic husband or wife, or someone with specific allergen needs.

They also make excellent service dogs. Service dogs must be intelligent, well-focused and friendly, all of which are traits a Doodle possesses. They have all the great characteristics of both their parent breeds, are a great size for balance support, are motivated in task training, respond well to a trainer, and love people. It’s no surprise they are appearing more and more in service dog or psychiatric service animal is not to be confused with an emotional support dog! A service dog training programs, in nursing homes, or assisting students.

What are Service Dogs?

The definition of a service dog according to the U.S. Department of Justice as “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.” This is a very broad definition, and there is some grey area, so we will discuss the specifics of a companion dog vs. a service dog later to answer any questions. Laws can vary state to state and task training is very different for each different disability, which we will delve into more later.

Luckily, more legislation was provided on the definition of service dogs. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 gave a more specific definition for service dogs: “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, alerting owners to a panic attack, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties.”

Why Goldendoodles?

Now that we know more about service dogs, why are Goldendoodles becoming so popular? It’s no surprise, as they are two popular breeds combined, but there is also another factor: Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic.

There is a fair amount of discourse over Goldeendoodles and their hypoallergenic coat. According to experts, the truth is no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. Allergies are a complex system and all pets have dander. This is what people are allergic to, not fur or saliva. When a dog sheds, flakes of dead skin also come off, which is the dander we speak of. This is what triggers allergens. Dander becomes more and more prominent as puppies grow up. Puppies’ themselves actually have a pretty low amount of dander and expel more of it as they grow.

What sets the Goldendoodle apart is their lack of shedding. While no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, and allergies are all unique, Goldendoodles do shed less than the average dog, which could reduce dander. They will still require routine grooming, in fact, they may need more grooming than an average dog, but their hair is tightly wound (thanks Poodle genetics!), which makes it more resistant to breaking or falling off to spread dander.

10 to 20% of Americans suffer from pet allergies, and this includes the disabled population. People with disabilities rely on service dogs to help them with balance issues, or to act as diabetic alert dogs, assistant dogs, and much more. If they are allergic to their dog, the companion can cause more harm than good. This is why a “hypoallergenic” breed, like a Doodle, can be a great addition for someone who suffers from dog allergies. They can still interact with their Goldendoodle and not suffer extreme allergies.

The Makeup of a Goldendoodle 

As we mentioned, and as their name implies, Goldendoodles are the combination of a Golden Retriever bred with a Poodle. This is almost always a standard Poodle, which is the larger and original Poodle.

This combination takes the best characteristics from both breeds and creates an amazing mix, full of all the lovable personality traits and the size we’ve all come to love  . The Goldendoodle stands around 20 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder, and weighs between 50 and 90 pounds. On average, they live between 10 and 15 years and are overall fairly healthy, though they are predisposed to hip issues due to their size. A Goldendoodle has a curly coat that is luxuriously soft and has multiple coat colors, including black, chocolate, red, white, apricot, cream and brown.

Golden Retrievers as Service Dogs

The Goldendoodle was first introduced in the 1990’s as a solution for families with allergies who still wanted a pet. In fact, many families wanted a Golden Retriever, but they are notorious shedders. Over the years, the art of breeding this breed became more refined. Now, with proper breeding, there is a 90% chance of the non-shedding gene passing on. It’s important to remember the Goldendoodle isn’t exactly a breed, but a hybrid of two other breeds, but for simplicity sake, we will refer to them as a breed.

The Goldendoodle’s beauty isn’t what sets them apart, but their personality. They are very affectionate, friendly, obedient, active, and playful. This playfulness can lead to a bit of mischievousness, but when trained properly, they can be highly obedient.

The Goldendoodle is a fairly quiet dog, and responds well to new situations and environments. As puppies, they are curious and friendly, and they tend to keep a certain level of puppy about them throughout their entire life. They are very energetic, and need room to run and play, as well as mental stimulation. They are also highly social and very friendly to other dogs and really, all other animals and people too!

Goldendoodles aim to please, and love to befriend people, so they are a great candidate for a service dog. The Poodle is a very intelligent breed, and the Golden Retriever is very social, so the combination of the two is a very trainable, lovable dog who aims to please and help, making them a great service dog.

How to Get a Goldendoodle Service Dog

adopting goldendoodle service dog

Are you interested in having a Goldendoodle service dog? Good news, Goldendoodles are now very commonly bred for this sole purpose. They begin training as a puppy and are trained to be excellent service companions. Service dog training programs are welcoming Goldendoodles with open arms due to their great personality and size.

First, you’ll want to make sure you are able to receive a service dog. Service dogs are only given to people with disabilities that hinder their quality of life. For a psychiatric service dog, you must consult with a licensed mental health professional. This is the only legitimate way to acquire a service dog. For physical disabilities, you must consult with a doctor in your area.

If they recommend a service dog, the next step is finding a service dog for you. Look at rescues in your local area to see if they have any Golden Retrievers or Golden mixes available, or you can purchase a Golden from a breeder or service dog organization. If you adopt one or purchase one from a breeder, you will want to work with a service dog trainer or service dog program training to make sure your pooch becomes the best assistance dog possible.

Look for reputable breeders that stick to the breeds’ standards. This is the best way to ensure you get a Goldendoodle that is healthy and has all the characteristics we love about the popular breed.

Emotional Support Dog vs. Psychiatric Service Dog: What’s the Difference?

service dog goldendoodle

While both emotional support dogs and psychiatric service dogs provide emotional and mental support to their owner, only one is a recognized service animal, and that’s a psychiatric service dog. These dogs undergo specialized task training and have federally protected rights, such as the right to accompany their owner anywhere, including businesses, schools, non-pet friendly housing, on airplanes, etc. The important part here is that through a trainer or program, they learn specific tasks to help their owner. Emotional support dogs and others do not go through task training, so they are pets. To get a psychiatric service dog, you must be diagnosed with a disability and prescribed a service dog who undergoes vigorous training to support you.

An emotional support dog only requires a letter of recommendation from a doctor. They are a pet who offers mental and emotional benefits to their owner, which can be very helpful, but they can’t accompany their owners in public places, nor do they have access on flights, in schools, etc. and have no federally protected rights. Dogs and cats are the most common types of ESAs, but any animal has the chance to become an ESA with a doctor’s note.

In modern days, emotional support animals are a hot topic due to their loose regulations. Some lack vaccinations, aren’t the proper age, or people pay high prices for a form that is fake to recognize their pet as an emotional support animal or even worse, a service dog. It is very important to recognize the difference between these two types of dogs. Service dogs wear vests to set themselves apart, as they have a very important job and should be recognized as working dogs. Pretending a dog is a service dog is actually illegal in 20+ states and is very damaging to service dogs’ reputations. It makes life for people with disabilities much harder, and poses a challenge to service dog owners, making the conditions of service dogs worse.


Now you see why Goldendoodles are such a beloved breed, not only as pets, but also as service animals. They take the best things from two of the most popular dog breeds and create a beautiful, loyal, playful companion that is eager to service.

Are you looking for a psychiatric service dog?

Here at CertaPet, we can help. CertaPet is an online tele-health platform that improves access to mental health care in the U.S. with a focus on providing services to individuals who are seeking animal assisted interventions as part of their treatment plan.

We are currently coordinating with dog trainers who specialize in the service animal space and who will soon work in tandem with our network of licensed mental health professionals to make the process of getting and training a psychiatric service dog affordable, convenient, and hassle-free. We’ll have more information available soon about our Psychiatric Service Dog Training options. In the meantime, you can take our FREE pre-screening below to see if you qualify for a PSD!

Meta: Are you looking for a Goldendoodle service dog? Learn all about the breed and their characteristics and how to adopt one near you to become your service animal.


Why do Goldendoodles make good service dogs?

Goldendoodles make excellent service dogs thanks to their size, friendly demeanor, eagerness to learn, puppy-like personality, and their hypoallergenic nature.

How do I get a psychiatric service dog?

First, you must consult with a mental health professional to see if you qualify. If you are diagnosed with a mental disability, you will begin your search for a dog and begin training

Where can I get a Goldendoodle?

You can adopt a Goldendoodle from your local shelter, or research reputable breeders in your area. Service dog organizations are also using Goldendoodles more and more!

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Kathryn Anderson
CertaPet's Senior Marketing Associate/pet care advocate who works to develop new content for purrfect pet owners everywhere. Also a lover of coffee, corgis, and corny cat puns.

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